The AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE occupational health and safety policy aims at the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental, and social wellbeing of all AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE employees and students including the prevention of departures from health caused by the working conditions. AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE is aware that 100% protection is not a realistic expectation, but we are committed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare at work of employees that is reasonably practicable. We will hence conduct a risk assessment and then create a health and safety policy. Health & Safety policies will be reviewed on an annual basis. Health & Safety is the responsibility of everyone and should be proactive rather than reactive. This policy also covers work placements and industrial visits. A committee headed by the Director will have overall responsibility for the Health and Safety Policy and its implementation.

The AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE policy will attempt to prevent/minimize:

  • Serious injuries
  • Work related illnesses like stress and back pain
  • Lost workdays due to work-related illness and workplace injury
  • The cost and disruption of accidents.
  • Lost staff time
  • Sick pay
  • Damage or loss of equipment and materials
  • Repairs to buildings and facilities
  • Additional staff costs, overtime working
  • Teaching delays
  • Investigation time
  • Fines
  • Legal costs
  • Guidelines
  1. The AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE management will appoint a Safety Committee and a College Safety Advisor. The College Safety Advisor is the competent person to advise the College Management of the measures they need to take to comply with the requirements placed upon them by relevant health and safety norms.
  2. The committee will establish procedures for identifying hazards and assessing risks within all areas within the college and as far as is reasonably practicable, reduce or eliminate those risks.
  3. AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE will provide all employees with a comprehensive training on health and safety procedures.
  4. All employees are expected to comply with the Health and Safety Policy of the college and to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons/students who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  5. Employees will be provided and will use the correct tools and equipment for the job and to ensure that they are kept in good condition and not adapted for inappropriate use.
  6. The staff involved in the production or maintenance of Health and Safety records will keep such records up to date and available for inspection by an authorised person.
  7. Employees will report immediately to their supervisor any unsafe conditions or defects in college.
  8. Employees will report immediately to the designated committee any accident that occurs.
  9. Canteen and water hygiene: drinking water will be tested every month from accredited labs and relevant records will be maintained. AI INTERNATIONAL will appoint a canteen committee to ensure hygienic food. The canteen will be audited as per a laid down procedure every month.
  10. All will be inspected and maintained by approved garages four times per year or at more frequent intervals if high mileage. All vehicles are checked daily by user drivers in accordance with specified guidelines. All buses are fitted with seat belts and have fire extinguishers.
  11. Fire risk assessments will be carried out periodically at all main college centres in order to ensure that the college complies with the requirements specified by the local fire department. All main college centres will be fitted with automatic fire detection and alarm systems. All college fire alarm systems will be tested and maintained by an external agency. All staff will be trained in the fire evacuation procedure. The procedure will be displayed at prominent places in the college campus. Emergency assembly areas will be clearly designated.
  12. AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE will ensure sufficient first aiders trained to do ‘First Aid at Work’. Names of first aiders and their telephone numbers will be displayed at the college main gate and reception. First aid boxes will be located on all floors of the college, at the kitchen and canteen.
  13. Care should be taken when undertaking manual handling operations. If there is a risk of injury as a result of any such operation, assistance should be obtained and, if possible, a lifting appliance should be used. All equipment or apparatus must be installed, tested, and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Equipment must not be used for any purpose for which it was not specifically designed. If equipment or apparatus is suspected to be faulty or damaged, it must be switched off, isolated if possible, and immediately reported to a responsible person. No persons other than those specifically authorised to test, and repair equipment and apparatus shall dismantle or attempt to repair, connect, or disconnect any apparatus or equipment.
  14. Waste materials must be correctly and safely disposed of.
  15. Cars and two-wheelers may only be parked in designated car parks and never left where they may cause an obstruction. Vehicles are subject to a 20 km/h speed limit in the college premises.
  16. The College has a responsibility to ensure that persons who drive in connection with the business of the College maintain a high standard of driving, in a safe and legal vehicle, and by doing so reduce the risk of death, serious injury or prosecution to themselves and other road users. Staff and others have a responsibility for their own safety and that of other road users. For two-wheelers, use of a safety helmet is compulsory.

Contractors: will adhere to all college policies and procedures and follow college site safety rules at all times. AI INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE will issue permits to work. All contractors must report to the designated authority before work is commenced and any defects or health and safety issues must be reported immediately.

Students: will understand their responsibilities within the Health and Safety Policy and report all accidents /incidents to staff immediately. Students will not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for their health and safety.

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